Acetyl tributyl citrate | C20H34O8 | CID 6505 - PubChem
- Número de modelo: DTDM
- Nombre químico: Acelerador de caucho Ns
- Color: amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 50000 Mts por a?o
- Calidad: Grado Industrial
- Pérdida de calentamiento: inferior al 2,0%
- Paquete de Transporte: Terrestre, Marítimo y Aéreo
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Molecular Weight. 402.5 g/mol. Computed by PubChem 2.2 (PubChem release 2021.10.14) Dates. Create: 2005-03-26. Modify: 2024-02-17. Description. ... IDENTIFICATION AND USE: Acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) is a colorless liquid. It is the most widely used phthalate substitute plasticizer. It is used in products such as food wrap, vinyl toys, and ... PDF ATBC technical data sheet,migration, due to their low molecular mobility. ATBC is a monomeric plasticizer therefore is recommended to use it with Plasticizer E (Epoxidized Soybean oil) to stabilize light and heat. ... ACETYL TRIBUTYL CITRATE ATBC Molecular we ight 402 CAS number 77-90-7 EINECS number CN code 201-067- 29181500 CH 2 - COO - [CH 2]3 - CH 3 | CH 3 ...
Pharmacokinetic Properties of Acetyl Tributyl Citrate, a Pharmaceutical
- Número de modelo: WS
- Nombre químico: Acelerador Mtbs
- Color: polvo amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 50000 Mts por a?o
- Calidad: calidad superior
- Punto de inflamación: 138,3 °C
- Paquete de transporte: bolsa tejida de plástico
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) is an (the Food and Drug Administration) FDA-approved substance for use as a pharmaceutical excipient. ... The stock solution was stored at ?20 °C and brought to room temperature before use. Working standard solutions were prepared to final concentrations ranging from 0.1 μg/mL to 10 μg/mL with acetonitrile ... Acetyltributylcitrate,Acetyltributylcitrate is an organic compound that is used as a plasticizer. As such, it is a potential replacement of DEHP and DINP. [1] It is a colorless liquid that is soluble in organic solvents. It is found in nail polish and other cosmetics. It is prepared by acetylation of tributylcitrate.
- Número de modelo: MBT 80
- Nombre químico: 2-mercaptobenzotiazol/Mbt
- Característica: Granular blanco
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 3000 toneladas/a?o
- Estándar de grado: grado industrial
- Punto de ebullición: 223°c (estimación aproximada)
- Paquete de transporte: 25 kg/bolsa
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
ACETYL TRIBUTYL CITRATE (ATBC) Primary Plasticizer for PVC and PVC copolymers Chemical Nature Chemical Name :- 2-acetyl-1,2,3-Propane tri carboxylic acid Tributyl Ester Trade Name :- ATBC Molecular Formula :- C 20 H 34 O 8 Molecular Weight :- 402.5 H 2 C - CO 2 C 4 H 9 C 2 H 5 CO 2 - C - CO 2 C 4 H 9 H 2 C - CO 2 C 4 H 9 CAS Number :- 77-90-7 ... Development of new tissue conditioner using acetyl tributyl citrate and,Objective: The objective was to develop a new tissue conditioner using acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC), tributyl citrate (TBC), and a novel hyperbranched polyester (TAH) with long-term stable viscoelasticity. Methods: Plasticizers, i.e., ATBC, TBC, TAH (number-average molecular weight, 1306 g/mol; weight-average molecular weight, 4245 g/mol), butyl phthalyl butyl glycolate (BPBG), dibutyl ...
Study on the preferential distribution of acetyl tributyl citrate in
- Modelo NO.: MBTS DM
- Color: blanquecino
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 15000 toneladas/toneladas por a?o
- Estándar de grado: grado industrial
- Densidad: 1,46 g/cm3
- Paquete de transporte: bolsa tejida de plástico
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Similarly, significant works have also been done on adding the citrate derivatives (such as tributyl citrate (TBC), acetyl triethyl citrate (TEC) and acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC)) as plasticisers to PLA systems [[18], [19], [20]]. In particular, TBC and ATBC interact well with PLA improving its crystallisation rate and ductility [20]. Acetyl tributyl citrate, the most widely used phthalate substitute,In particular, acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC), an industrial plasticizer widely used in products such as food wrap, vinyl toys, and pharmaceutical excipients, strongly activated human and rat SXR. ATBC increased CYP3A4 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels and enzyme activity in the human intestinal cells but not in human liver cells. Similarly, CYP3A1 ...
Development of clean performance-tunable waterborne ... - ScienceDirect
- Número de modelo: DTDM
- Nombre químico: N, N′-Difenilguanidina
- Color: color crema
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 50000 Mts por a?o
- Calidad: Industrial
- Pureza: 99%
- Paquete de transporte: 25 kg/bolsa
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Molecular structure and ATBC existence of the WPU film have been characterized by IR, NMR, gas chromatography, and thermogravimetry, suggesting that ATBC will not release into the environment even if at 140 °C because of its high boiling point and ultralow volatility. ... Acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC), 1,4-butanediol (BDO), ethanol, acetone ... Characterizing the obesogenic and fatty liver-inducing effects of,Acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) is a non-phthalate plasticizer widely used in food packaging, personal care products, medical devices and children's toys etc. Due to its high leakage rate from plastics, exposure risk of ATBC keeps increasing. Although there are some studies investigating the safety of ATBC on human health, these studies mainly ...
Pharmacokinetic Properties of Acetyl Tributyl Citrate, a Pharmaceutical
- Número de modelo: 99%
- Nombre químico: 2-mercaptobenzotiazol
- Color: polvo amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 5000000 piezas
- Calidad: Técnica
- Punto de fusión: 177-181 °C(literalmente)
- Paquete de transporte: Tambor de 25 kg/caja/bolsa
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) is an (the Food and Drug Administration) FDA-approved substance for use as a pharmaceutical excipient. It is used in pharmaceutical coating of solid oral dosage forms such as coated tablets or capsules. However, the information of ATBC on its pharmacokinetics is limited. The aim of this study is to investigate the pharmacokinetic properties of ATBC using liquid ... Phthalate alternative may harm brain development and health ,Acetyl tributyl citrate, a leading phthalate alternative, found to disrupt neuron-like cells. By Anne Frances Johnson. March 27, 2023. Growing concerns over the potential health effects of exposure to phthalates, a component of many plastics and also known as a plasticizer, have led to a search for safer alternatives.
Acetyl Tributyl Citrate (ATBC)
- Número de modelo: 99%
- Nombre químico: N-terciariobutil-2-benzotiazol sulfonamida
- Color: Polvo blanquecino o amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 50000
- Estándar de grado: grado industrial
- Punto de ebullición: 305°c a 760 Mmhg
- Paquete de transporte: bolsa tejida de plástico
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Latinoamérica. Norteamérica. El citrato de tributilo acetilado (Acetyl Tributyl Citrate, ATBC) se usa como plastificante biodegradable para PVC y derivados de celulosa, está aprobado para estar presente en los materiales que entran en contacto con alimentos e incluso puede usarse como aditivo en estos. El ATBC se usa, además, como emoliente ... Plasticizing effects of citrate esters on properties of poly(lactic acid) ,Triethyl citrate (TEC) and acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) were used as plasticizer for poly (lactic acid) (PLA). The treated and plasticized PLA at various concentrations were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and opacity.
Acetyl Tributyl Citrate, the Most Widely Used Phthalate Substitute
- Número de modelo: 149-30-4
- Nombre químico: Difenil guanidina
- Color: Polvo blanquecino o amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 15000 toneladas/toneladas por a?o
- Calidad: Industrial
- Contenido de agua %: ≤1,0
- Paquete de transporte: 25 kg de papel artesanal en palé
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
In particular, acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC), an industrial plasticizer widely used in products such as food wrap, vinyl toys, and pharmaceutical excipients, strongly activated human and rat SXR. ATBC increased CYP3A4 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels and enzyme activity in the human intestinal cells but not in human liver cells. Acetyltributyl citrate USP Reference Standard Sigma-Aldrich ,Sigma-Aldrich. 388351. Triethyl 2-acetylcitrate. View Price and Availability. Y0000799. Tributyl acetylcitrate for peak identification. View Price and Availability. Sigma-Aldrich. 524980.
Effect of acetylated citrate plasticizer on mechanical properties of
- Número de modelo: TBBS
- Nombre químico: Difenil guanidina
- Color: Amarillo
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 3000 toneladas/a?o
- Calidad: Técnica
- Punto de ebullición: 223°c (estimación aproximada)
- Paquete de transporte: 25 kg/bolsa
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
In this work, the effects of acetylation modification on the plasticization properties of citrates (triethyl citrate (TEC), acetyl triethyl citrate (ATEC), tributyl citrate (TBC) and acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC)) were investigated by using a combination of characterization techniques and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Acetyl Trialkyl Citrates - Wilbur Johnson, Wilma F. Bergfeld, Donald V,The Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety reviewed newly available studies since their original assessment in 2002, along with updated information regarding product types and concentrations of use, and confirmed that Acetyl Triethyl Citrate, Acetyl Tributyl Citrate, Acetyl Triethylhexyl Citrate, and Acetyl Trihexyl Citrate are safe as cosmetic ingredients in the practices of use and ...
PDF Material Safety Data Sheet - T3db
- Modelo NO.: D-80
- Nombre químico: Acelerador de caucho Etu (Na-22)
- Color amarillo
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 10000 toneladas por a?o
- Calidad: Industrial
- Punto de ebullición: 223°c (estimación aproximada)
- Paquete de transporte: 100 g; 1 kg; 25g
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Acetyl Tributyl Citrate (ATBC) 1. IDENTIFICATION OF SUBSTANCE / MIXTURE AND OF SUPPLIER Product Identifier: High Purity Chemicals Synonyms: Tributyl 2-acetylcitrate, tributyl O-acetylcitrate Other means of identification: CAS No. 77-90-7 EINECS No. 201-067- Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use:
Acetyl Tributyl Citrate (ATBC) Market | Industry Forecast [2031] ,Theglobal acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) market size was USD 109.6 million in 2021 and is projected to touch USD 9359.47 million by 2031, at a CAGR of 3.1% during the forecast period. The sudden rise in CAGR is attributable to the market's growth and demand returning to pre-pandemic levels once the pandemic is over.Phthalate alternative may harm brain development and health
- Número de modelo: MBT-T2
- Nombre químico: 2-mercaptobenzotiazol/Mbt
- Color: Polvo blanquecino o amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 30000 toneladas/a?o
- Calidad: Grado Industrial
- Punto de ebullición: 223°c (estimación aproximada)
- Paquete de Transporte: 25 Kg en Caja de Cartón con Bolsa Liner de Polietileno
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Acetyl tributyl citrate, a leading phthalate alternative, found to disrupt neuron-like cells. Growing concerns over the potential health effects of exposure to phthalates have led to a search for ...
Effective role of eco-friendly acetyl tributyl citrate in large-scale,N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP)-free waterborne polyurethane (WPU) in a two-tons scale was prepared without catalyst in the presence of a non-toxic acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) with high boiling point and extremely low vapor pressure.It is found that a small amount of ATBC is key to the obtainment of WPU nano-sized dispersions with proper viscosity, good storage stability, and low volatile ...