SPI-Chem ERL 4221 Epoxy Plasticizer, Vinylcyclohexene Dioxide, CAS
- Número de modelo: DTDM
- Nombre químico: Acelerador Mtbs
- Color: blanco o blanquecino
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 3000 toneladas/a?o
- Calidad: calidad superior
- Punto de ebullición: 305°c a 760 Mmhg
- Paquete de transporte: Caja de cartón
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
SPI-Chem ERL 4221 Epoxy Plasticizer, Vinylcyclohexene Dioxide, CAS# 2386-87-0; 2611-00-9 | Z02815 | SPI Supplies MainMenu Disciplines SEM Supplies TEM Supplies SPM / AFM Supplies Light Microscopy & Related Products Materials Science Sample Preparation Life Science Sample Preparation Express Entry Contact Us International Structure Probe PDF SPI ChemTM Low Viscosity "Spurr" Kits ,Vinylcyclohexene Dioxide (ERL 4221), a cycloaliphatic diepoxide with a molecular weight of 252.3 and an epoxy equivalent (WPE) of 128 - 145. Diglycidyl Ether of Polypropylene Glycol (DER 736), the flexibilizer, has a WPE of 175-205. The hardness of the cured resin is controlled by varying the amount of DER 736.
PDF ERL-4221 - RSD SPI United States (US) SDS HCS 2012 V4.11.1.1
- N.º de modelo: ZMBT/MZ
- Nombre químico: Difenil guanidina
- Color: blanco o blanquecino
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de Producción: 20mts/Mes
- Estándar de grado: grado industrial
- Punto de inflamación: 138,3 °C
- Paquete de transporte: 25 kg de papel artesanal en palé
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Product type : Liquid. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Product use : Laboratory chemicals. Area of application : Industrial applications, Professional applications. Supplier's details : SPI Supplies Division Structure Probe, Inc. 206 Garfield Ave. West Chester, PA 19380 United States Electron Microscopy Sciences ERL 4221 ... - Fisher Scientific ,Home Products 50980453 Favorite item to keep tabs on it! Saved! Go to My Lists You have reached the limit of 350 favorited items. Manage Your Favorites Electron Microscopy Sciences ERL 4221 Cycloaliphatic Epoxide Resin 225 ML Supplier: Electron Microscopy Sciences 15004
ERL-4221 (3,4 Epoxy Cyclohexyl Methyl 3,4 epoxy ... - Polysciences
- Número de modelo: DTDM
- Nombre químico: disulfuro de dibenzotiazol
- Color: blanquecino
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 15000 toneladas/toneladas por a?o
- Calidad: Técnica
- Pérdida de calentamiento: 0,30 máx.
- Paquete de transporte: Caja de cartón
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Product Overview 3,4-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl-3',4'-epoxycyclohexane carboxylate (ECC), also known as ERL-4221 is a cycloaliphatic, diepoxy functional organic compound that is a useful building block in the production of semi-hard to hard cured epoxy resins that are suitable for use at high temperatures. ERL 4221-An ERL-4206 Replacement, Electron Microscopy Science - VWR ,Due to the supply shortage of ERL-4206, ERL-4221 has now been specially formulated to replace it. ERL 4206 is one of the main components of the low viscosity (Dr. Spur) embedding resin kit.VWR offers a broad line of reagent droppers, diagnostic kits, and antigens and antisera, for aid in identifying a variety of microscopic organisms. The visualization of bacteria by means of staining ...
(3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl) ester) ERL-4221 (3,4
- Número de modelo: MBT
- Nombre químico: 2-IMIDAZOLIDINA TIONA
- Color: blanco o blanquecino
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 30000 toneladas/a?o
- Calidad: Industrial
- Contenido de agua %: ≤1,0
- Paquete de transporte: 25 kg/bolsa
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Product form Trade name IUPAC name : Substance : ERL-4221 (3,4-Epoxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid (3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl) ester) : 7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ylmethyl 7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]heptane-3-carboxylate CAS-No. : 2386-87- Product code : 24738 Formula Synonyms 1.2. PDF Solutions to the Problem of Substitution of ERL 4221 for Vinyl,Vendors instructed that ERL 4221 be substituted for VCD at the same rates as used in the original Spurr formulation. This direct substitution resulted in a more viscous resin and blocks were extremely hard and brittle and lacked the sectioning qualities of the original formulation.
ERL 4221 (was 4206) - ProSciTech
- N.º de modelo: ZDBC/BZ
- Nombre químico: Acelerador Mtbs
- Color: blanco o blanquecino
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 50000
- Calidad: Industrial
- Densidad: 1,46 g/cm3
- Paquete de Transporte: Terrestre, Marítimo y Aéreo
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
ERL 4221 Epoxy monomerVinyl cyclohexene dioxideDue to the supply shortage of ERL-4206, ERL-4221 has now been specially formulated to replace it. ERL-4221 may now be used as one of the main components of the low viscosity Spurr's embedding resin kitSpecificationsERL-4221 is a Cycloaliphatic Epoxide Resin.CAS#2386-87-0Sp The structure of ERL-4221. | Download Scientific Diagram,Anhydrous sodium acetate was from Guangdong Guanghua Chemical Factory Co., Ltd., China. 3,4-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl-3,4-epoxycyclohexane carboxylate (ERL-4221, the structure is shown in Figure 1 ...
PDF Spurr Low-Viscosity Embedding Kit (EM0300) - Technical Bulletin
- Número de modelo: M
- Nombre químico: Acelerador de caucho TBBS
- Color: blanco o amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 50000 Mts por a?o
- Calidad: Técnica
- Punto de fusión: 177-181 °C(literalmente)
- Paquete de transporte: 100 g; 1 kg; 25g
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
ERL 4221 250 g Catalog Number E8659 ERL 4221 is a cycloaliphatic epoxide resin which, because of its compact structure, yields highly cross-linked polymers with good high temperature resistance. Diglycidyl ether of polypropylene glycol (D.E.R. 736) Catalog Number D5944 An epoxy resin flexibilizer 250 g FTIR spectra of the reaction mixture containing ERL-4221 and MHHPA... ,The cycloaliphatic epoxy networks were synthesized by curing ERL-4221 monomer with MHHPA hardener. The mechanism of epoxy/anhydride curing reaction was studied in detail previously [10, [15] [16 ...
ERL-4221 (3,4 Epoxy Cyclohexyl Methyl 3,4 epoxy ... - Polysciences
- Número de modelo: DTDM
- Nombre químico: disulfuro de dibenzotiazol
- Color: blanquecino
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 15000 toneladas/toneladas por a?o
- Calidad: Técnica
- Pérdida de calentamiento: 0,30 máx.
- Paquete de transporte: Caja de cartón
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Product Overview 3,4-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl-3',4'-epoxycyclohexane carboxylate (ECC), also known as ERL-4221 is a cycloaliphatic, diepoxy functional organic compound that is a useful building block in the production of semi-hard to hard cured epoxy resins that are suitable for use at high temperatures. ERL 4221-An ERL-4206 Replacement, Electron Microscopy Science - VWR ,Due to the supply shortage of ERL-4206, ERL-4221 has now been specially formulated to replace it. ERL 4206 is one of the main components of the low viscosity (Dr. Spur) embedding resin kit.VWR offers a broad line of reagent droppers, diagnostic kits, and antigens and antisera, for aid in identifying a variety of microscopic organisms. The visualization of bacteria by means of staining ...
(3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl) ester) ERL-4221 (3,4
- Número de modelo: MBT
- Nombre químico: 2-IMIDAZOLIDINA TIONA
- Color: blanco o blanquecino
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 30000 toneladas/a?o
- Calidad: Industrial
- Contenido de agua %: ≤1,0
- Paquete de transporte: 25 kg/bolsa
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Product form Trade name IUPAC name : Substance : ERL-4221 (3,4-Epoxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid (3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl) ester) : 7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ylmethyl 7-oxabicyclo[4.1.0]heptane-3-carboxylate CAS-No. : 2386-87- Product code : 24738 Formula Synonyms 1.2. PDF Solutions to the Problem of Substitution of ERL 4221 for Vinyl,Vendors instructed that ERL 4221 be substituted for VCD at the same rates as used in the original Spurr formulation. This direct substitution resulted in a more viscous resin and blocks were extremely hard and brittle and lacked the sectioning qualities of the original formulation.
ERL 4221 (was 4206) - ProSciTech
- N.º de modelo: ZDBC/BZ
- Nombre químico: Acelerador Mtbs
- Color: blanco o blanquecino
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 50000
- Calidad: Industrial
- Densidad: 1,46 g/cm3
- Paquete de Transporte: Terrestre, Marítimo y Aéreo
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
ERL 4221 Epoxy monomerVinyl cyclohexene dioxideDue to the supply shortage of ERL-4206, ERL-4221 has now been specially formulated to replace it. ERL-4221 may now be used as one of the main components of the low viscosity Spurr's embedding resin kitSpecificationsERL-4221 is a Cycloaliphatic Epoxide Resin.CAS#2386-87-0Sp The structure of ERL-4221. | Download Scientific Diagram,Anhydrous sodium acetate was from Guangdong Guanghua Chemical Factory Co., Ltd., China. 3,4-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl-3,4-epoxycyclohexane carboxylate (ERL-4221, the structure is shown in Figure 1 ...
PDF Spurr Low-Viscosity Embedding Kit (EM0300) - Technical Bulletin
- Número de modelo: M
- Nombre químico: Acelerador de caucho TBBS
- Color: blanco o amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 50000 Mts por a?o
- Calidad: Técnica
- Punto de fusión: 177-181 °C(literalmente)
- Paquete de transporte: 100 g; 1 kg; 25g
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
ERL 4221 250 g Catalog Number E8659 ERL 4221 is a cycloaliphatic epoxide resin which, because of its compact structure, yields highly cross-linked polymers with good high temperature resistance. Diglycidyl ether of polypropylene glycol (D.E.R. 736) Catalog Number D5944 An epoxy resin flexibilizer 250 g FTIR spectra of the reaction mixture containing ERL-4221 and MHHPA... ,The cycloaliphatic epoxy networks were synthesized by curing ERL-4221 monomer with MHHPA hardener. The mechanism of epoxy/anhydride curing reaction was studied in detail previously [10, [15] [16 ...
Ultra Low Viscosity Embedding Kit | Polysciences, Inc.
- N.º de modelo: ZDBC/BZ
- Nombre químico: Acelerador de caucho Dm
- Color: Polvo blanquecino o amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de Producción: 20mts/Mes
- Calidad: Grado Industrial
- Pureza: 99%
- Paquete de transporte: embalaje estándar
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
ERL-4221 is useful for rapid embedding of materials which are difficult to infiltrate even with Spurr's resin. Exhibits good sectioning qualities, beam stability, and staining properties. Miscible with alcohol or acetone so propylene oxide can be avoided. Syna Epoxy S-21 (UVR6110, ERL4221) - Nantong Synasia Co.,Ltd. ,DESCRIPTION. CAS-2386-87-. Syna-Epoxy 21 is a kind of alicyclic epoxy resin, equivalent to ERL4221 resin, giving outstanding performance in UV inks, UV coatings and other fields. · UV curable. · Thermal curable with anhydrides. · Strong resistance to yellowing and UV light. · High TG.
TOP 10 BEST Epoxy Floor in Simi Valley, CA - Yelp
- Número de modelo: MBT 80
- Nombre químico: MBTS
- Color: blanco roto o amarillo claro
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 30000 toneladas/a?o
- Calidad: Refinada
- Pérdida de calentamiento: 0,30 máx.
- Paquete de transporte: 100 g; 1 kg; 25g
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
See more reviews for this business. Top 10 Best Epoxy Floor in Simi Valley, CA - February 2024 - Yelp - Epoxy Masters, Garage Floor Concrete Coatings, Epoxy.LA, Garcia Flooring Maintenance, OrganizIT!, Epoxy Power by BMI, LA Concrete Works, Epoxy Legends LA, Mr Garage Coating, Epoxy Floors. Top 10 Best Epoxy Garage Floor in Simi Valley, CA - Yelp ,Reviews on Epoxy Garage Floor in Simi Valley, CA - Garage Floor Concrete Coatings, Epoxy Power by BMI, OrganizIT!, Epoxy LA, Garcia Flooring Maintenance, Epoxy Masters, Mr Garage Coating, Top Epoxy Flooring, Empire Epoxy USA, LA Concrete Works
Top 10 Best Epoxy Coating in Simi Valley, CA - Yelp
- Número de modelo: 99%
- Nombre químico: N, N′-Difenilguanidina
- Color: blanquecino o color crema
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 10000 toneladas por a?o
- Estándar de grado: grado industrial
- Punto de inflamación: 138,3 °C
- Paquete de transporte: Bolsa Kraft de 20 kg de peso neto
- Aplicación: Tubérculos Neumáticos radiales y productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
Reviews on Epoxy Coating in Simi Valley, CA - Epoxy LA, Epoxy Masters, OrganizIT!, Garage Floor Concrete Coatings, Go Joe Handyman, Epoxy Power by BMI, Mr Garage Coating, Ventura Flooring, Epoxy Flooring, Top Epoxy Flooring Chemicals | SPI Supplies ,All SPI-Chem products are completely traceable by their unique SPI Supplies lot number. Bar Coding: All SPI Supplies products, including SPI-Chem chemical products are bar coded to simplify the tracking and shelf life once in your own laboratory or storeroom. Our Guarantee: All SPI-Chem products are quality guaranteed.
Southern California Edison - SCE
- Número de modelo: 99%
- Color: Amarillo
- Apariencia: Granulares
- Especificación: 50*35*15
- Tipo: Acelerador de goma
- Capacidad de producción: 100000 toneladas por a?o
- Calidad: Industrial
- Punto de inflamación: 138,3 °C
- Paquete de transporte: 25 kg/bolsa
- Caucho aplicable: Nr, Sr, otros productos de caucho
- Rendimiento: holgura efectiva y alta velocidad
At SCE, we provide electricity and rebates and incentives for lighting, food service technology, HVAC, air conditioning and related electric appliances and systems to help manage electricity costs. PDF SPI Supplies Division Safety Data Sheet ,Section 11: Toxicological Information RTECS#: Not available LD 50 /LC 50 Information: LD50 Rat, oral 5000 mg/kg LD50 Rabbit, skin 23000mg/kg Teratogenicity: Not available Reproductive Effects: Has not been shown to affect reproduction in laboratory animals. Neurotoxicity: Not available Mutagenicity: Did not cause birth defects in laboratory animals. Has been toxic to the fetus in lab animals at